Blanca García Salgado
Doctorate /Organizational Development
Doctora en Desarrollo Organizacional, poseo estudios en el área de Community Manager y cuento con más de diez (10) años de experiencia en el nivel ejecutivo y administrativo. He brindado consultoría a Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas sobre Recursos Humanos y he ocupado diferentes puestos de liderazgo.
About Me
Blanca García Salgado
EADA Business School, Barcelona, Spain- 2011
Inter American University of Puerto Rico - 2010
Atlantic International University - 2022
Inter American University of Puerto Rico - 2012
2017 to Present - Assessing legislative measures, Coordinate Public Views and Register of Hearing Rooms
2013 to 2016- Gunnery Sergeant's Office, House of Representatives. Supervise the office staff assigned to you.Manage the Office Budget, Finance Office Liaison and Human Capital Office.
2009 to 2011-Supervised Practice, Personnel Recruitment, Incentive Plan, Organizational Climate Study, Analysis of Non-Profit Organization Funding Sources (Benchmarking)
2010 to 2012- Similar functions mentioned above to the post of Executive Director.
2008 to 2010 - Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation-Resolving complaints submitted by members of the correctional population.Evaluate, prepare and refer requests for reconsideration to the Regional Coordinator. Prepare investigation referrals when an aggression arises to be attended by the S.A.I.S.C.
Professional Skills
- TimeAide Program100%
- Responsibility100%
- Efficiency100%
Travel the world
Listen and dance